Hamburg has updated its climate goals. Hamburg’s goal is to reduce emissions by 55% by 2030 in comparison to 1990. The city aims to reduce emissions by at least 95 percent in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Hamburg is committed to cutting 7 million tons of C02 emissions by 2030. Taking into account the potential of the nationwide electricity mix and the Hamburg district heating, another 4.1 million tonnes of CO2 have to be reduced by a mix of further measures in Hamburg.

Hamburg’s Climate Plan sets concrete reduction targets across the mobility, industry, commerce and household sectors. Climate mitigation responsibilities are tasked across the entire administration and coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture. The city administration itself will act as a role model by becoming climate neutral in 2030. The plan includes a wide range of measures – above all there will be a high investment into the infrastructure.

Furthermore the Hamburg Parliament passed a Climate Protection Act and incorporated the limitation of global warming as a state goal in the Hamburg State Constitution.