The City continues to develop and implement innovative policies and programs and inspire the community to address climate change and make Toronto one of the most environmentally sustainable cities in the world.

What will Toronto look like in the future?

Homes and buildings: By 2030, all new buildings will be built to produce near-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. By 2050, all existing buildings will have been retrofitted to improve energy performance by an average of 40 per cent. Homes and buildings generate about half of the greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto today.

Energy: By 2050, 75 per cent of the energy we use will be renewable or low-carbon; 30 per cent of total floor space across Toronto will be connected to low-carbon heating and cooling energy.

Transportation: By 2050, 100 per cent of vehicles in Toronto will use low-carbon energy; 75 per cent of trips under 5 km will be walked or cycled. Vehicles generate about one-third of the greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto today.

Waste Diversion: By 2050, 95 per cent of waste will be diverted from landfills. Waste generates more than 10 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto.