
Amsterdam’s goal is to achieve a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030, and a 95% reduction of emissions by 2050.

Amsterdam is taking action now to ensure the city remains a healthy and inclusive one for everyone into and beyond 2050. The city’s Climate Neutral Programme focuses on reducing CO2 released within the city of Amsterdam as a result of energy use. If Amsterdam is to become a carbon-neutral city, an energy transition is needed: a structural transformation of the energy system away from fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. It will also be important to use available energy sources as sparingly as possible. Amsterdam’s emissions reduction ambitions includes making local traffic emission-free by 2030, and for the city to be natural gas-free by 2040, among other things. The city wants the energy transition to be a just transition, with the costs and benefits distributed fairly and for everyone to have equal access to the decision-making process. It’s working closely with leaders and citizens in the energy transition, removing obstacles, and inspiring and encouraging others to take action and build networks.