Code of conduct

What We Do

Carbon Neutrality:From Common Awareness to Global Action

Green and low-carbon sustainable development have become an international awareness.

CNACO aims to build up an equal, friendly platform to promote the development of net carbon-emission, enhancing the strengthen climate partnerships among countries around the world.

How to cope with the climate change problem is a typical international public issue that needs cooperation and coordination among all the countries in particular. CNACO’s main vision is that we can call on more countries and individuals to participate in the carbon reduction action, to respect and honor the commitment to carbon neutrality and work together to achieve the net Zero goal and expand green initiatives.

We devote ourselves to carbon neutrality action, including but not limited to study and analysis in materials, human resources, society and nature fields. Meanwhile, we actively participate in upgrading the energy structure and speeding up the layout in green-type carbon marketing and related activities can contribute to carbon neutral.

Sustainable Development

We are fully aware that to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, carbon neutrality is not a separate option. It is deeply embedded with sustainable development issues such as basic scientific research, equity in education and poverty alleviation.

We attach great importance to sustainable development issues out of its core position in the future development in CNACO. Our commitment to the SDGs will be the foundation for the future development of the CNACO.

Climate Without Borders

Respect All Kinds of Opinions for Climate Protection

We want to encourage people from all over the world to contribute to carbon neutrality by working together in their own way. CNACO respects and values all kinds of opinions for climate protection.

Non-discriminatory policy

CNACO respects the different customs and cultures of each member and partner.

We firmly oppose all forms of unlawful prejudice, discrimination and intolerance against race, color, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, etc. The original intention of establishing CNACO is to build an equal and friendly platform as its mission, so that people from different cultural backgrounds can feel welcomed, inclusive and respected, and work together to achieve the goal of net zero emissions.

Learning together and fostering sustainable lifestyles

Carbon neutrality is a sustainable cause. Climate, economy and people’s health complement each other. There are millions of people around the world taking action for environmental protection. Each of us can play a role in avoiding the climate crisis by learning and developing energy-efficient lifestyles. We need to join hands and act in solidarity and friendship. Action on carbon neutrality requires all of us to take action to avoid the global climate crisis.


CNACO has always insisted on being non-profit.

We always strictly comply with all statutory requirements for accounting and financial reporting, as well as tax laws and regulations, and faithfully reflect relevant financial reports, income and expenditure records in accordance with regulations and requirements.

All of CNACO’s income will be used for employee wages and benefits, the organization’s daily operations and development.

Comply with Laws and Regulations

CNACO strictly abides by and applies the laws and regulations of the country and region where it is located. We officially register the activities and results of CNACO in accordance with the laws, regulations, principles and standards of the country and international prevailing countries. All registration contents have been reviewed and checked. CNACO clearly articulates and frankly announces its policies, values and principles, and promises to deal legally and compliant with relevant parties such as external partners.

We are committed to encouraging all countries in the world to achieve net zero emissions and make efforts for carbon neutrality. Compliance with laws and regulations is the bottom line for CNACO.

Do not Participate in Political and Military Activities

CNACO has always opposed participation in the political and military activities.

CNACO does not take any political position and does not participate in any activities related to wars and military confrontations. We remain objective and neutral and do not engage in any form of ideological struggle, disagreement, extremist religious activities or terrorism.